MCrolls maki sushi house Marikina review

I discovered another Japanese food place here in the city that is a must-try not only because they are affordable but the taste of their products is as good as their presentation. Well, it seems craving for some Ebi Tempura led me to something even more.

Japanese food set by MCrolls
Japanese food set by MCrolls

MCrolls maki sushi house serves fresh and authentic Japanese foods including but not limited to different kinds of maki, sushi rolls, tempura, salads, and bento rice meals.

One of their great qualities is that all their food is served neat and with great presentation. You might feel a bit torn about destroying the plating but don't bother because the taste is even better.

MCrolls store location
MCrolls store location

Their menu is quite defined so it's easy to pick on what to order. We are a repeat customer of their sushi platters (via delivery) which we order during family gatherings but this is the first time we are going for their bento boxes rice meals. What a treat for today's dinner!

We ordered the following:

Katsudon by MCrolls

Tonkatsu by MCrolls

Ebi Tempura by MCrolls
Ebi Tempura

Crunchy Kani by MCrolls
Crunchy Kani

My meal was the Tonkatsu and my first bite reminded me of many memories back (lol) in a good way. It rewinded to like college days back because I usually eat this kind of food then and emotions kind of poured in just like the good old days. Haha! And all I can say is that it is very much authentic and will satisfy your craving without a doubt. It was a good one for me.

I also had a bite of the Katsudon and the Ebi Tempura and the quality of their food is really nice. I mean you can really taste the "premuity" of the ingredients they use and they are legit. Actually, after finishing my Tonkatsu, I still feel I can take some more which is very rare to happen so great job MCrolls!

MCrolls store logo
MCrolls store logo

It is so great to know that they do deliver and are up on the major food delivery applications. I guess those random craving moments for Japanese food are now a few clicks away too from getting it instantly. Well, I don't know if it's a good thing to know (financially wise lol) but one thing is for sure, my Japanese stomach is full and satisfied.

I am really looking forward to seeing their menu stretch and maybe having the space for some Yasai Itame or Japanese stir-fry vegetables soon and that would make things finer and up a notch.

Address: 143 E. Santos street, Concepcion Uno, Marikina 1807
Contact no.: 0977 604 3846
Operating hours: 12:00NN to 10:00PM daily

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MCrolls maki sushi house Marikina review MCrolls maki sushi house Marikina review Reviewed by Michael on November 10, 2022 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. I need to try ALL of that food! Holy smokes! - Rachel L

  2. I have read wonderful reviews about this place and the food definitely looks amazing. Would love to try their katsudon since this is my favorite. Looking forward to visiting if we'll be in Marikina area.

  3. looks nice ! I actually feel hungry now and that's a great sign. I find a lot of places that serve japannese food a bit far from what you actually get in Japan but from the photo it looks pretty good. And I would totally eat it right now. Lyosha

  4. That sounds like a great place to visit and I absolutely love Japanese cuisine, those are all looking quite delicious as well.

  5. their foods looks so good and delicious too..makes me hungry!


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