Busan Galbi - Marikina | Cheapest Samgyupsal delivery in the Metro

Have you heard about them already?! If not, you are missing something, big time! They are just (if not) one of the most affordable unlimited Korean BBQ places and services to experience for. And if you are thinking that there is a catch to this, there is none because the taste of their food is just as good as the worth of savings you'll have even after eating.

unlimited Korean BBQ
Let's start the grillin'

They are Busan Galbi - Marikina. As the unlimited Korean BBQ food places continue to sprawl within the Metro, we keep on discovering new places to eat that will satisfy our hunger/cravings. But one thing is for sure, we have to stay on the budget especially we are still in the midst of the pandemic. Well, it's not really a problem if you choose to eat here.

Busan Galbi rates

For a staggering price of P249 (unlimited pork) and/or P349 (unlimited pork & beef) per person, do you know any other establishment that serves this kind of service for a better price? I don't. They also practice proper hygiene protocols inside.

Which are the following:

- Footbath disinfectant
- Self temperature check (which is so cool to do)
- Sanitizing alcohol

Hygiene protocol
Hygiene protocol

Once your order is finalized, they should be serving your side dishes just right after a few minutes. And oh, they are looking so fine preparing you for the big feast ahead. Side dishes consist of the following:

* Lettuce
* Sweet marble potato
* Korean egg roll
* Cucumber/Onion salad
* Sweet & Spicy anchovies
* Kimchi

Dipping sauces

* Ssamjang
* Gochujang
* Premium cheese dip 
* Sesame oil with salt and pepper


* of course, don't forget the rice (rice is life. Lol)

Busan Galbi side dishes
side dishes

Not that long, our long-awaited meats followed. Can we just take a moment to appreciate this beauty?

Busan Galbi's pork and beef
Busan Galbi's pride (quality meat)

One of their stand out feature (which is supported by their patrons) is that you get premium quality meats that are directly imported from different countries even at that super affordable price. It means you get both quality and price at the same time! How crazy is that?! Those both words don't come together most of the time. Plus, they cut the meats on-site making it as fresh as possible they could before serving it on your plate. Who wouldn't appreciate efforts like that? Kudos to the team behind this!

I will attest to this in a while but you just have to try it yourself. It's always better to experience it first hand, right? Anyway, Let the digging start!

Lets eat unli Korean BBQ
let's eat!

I just don't know if this is dejavu but one of my kitchen goals is to eat with mostly wooden-made items. Personally, it adds flavor to my eating experience making it a better one for me. Haha! Am I that weird?! Lol. Moving on.. It seems our meats are starting to heat up! Delicious! Merely seeing this makes my tummy happy. Haha!

heating the meats
a good-looking view right there

Don't forget to try everything since you paid for those that are in front of you. Mix things up and spice your experience a little bit because in the end, you are mostly in control here. Dip those perfectly heated pork meats rolled with lettuce on those cheese dips or marinate them the way you want them while grilling. Savor the experience.

For me, those Korean egg rolls and anchovies are great breaks to taste something a little bit different from all those available meats. But still, my favorite part goes to grilling the meats while experimenting on marinating them with the available dipping sauces and side dishes. Hehe. 

savor the Korean BBQ moment
do you like some?

Man, everything tastes great. The texture and thickness of the meats are just right. I actually don't eat anchovies but I did some here. I really prefer eating those pork and beef meats bare but I dipped them here on the cheese. What is with me?! Maybe because of the price? Maybe, but I really recommend you guys visiting them at least once. It's an experience worth trying. It makes me think I ate more than what was worth my money so I think that factor adds up to the experience. Real talk, eh? Lol..

And with that, let me show you what was our view after.

after eating
what was left after the storm (lol)

Solved and ready to take a nap. Wahaha!

But you know what is even better when you visit this Marikina branch? Well, aside from the iced-water and other beverages available, they even paired the place with a Potato Corner stand on the side. Please, take my money! Haha! What more can you ask for, right? Even the crew are so friendly it's so easy to feel comfortable with the place. Just the perfect dining out experience amidst this on-going pandemic.

Group photo with the crew
Say cheese!

But wait there's more! They even do delivery and pick-up for your orders. Yes, they are that flexible with various payment methods. And if it's your birthday, enjoy that free tub full of meat to make that day a little extra special. For more of Busan Galbi - Marikina, visit their Facebook fan page given below.

If you want to take a quick tour inside the place, feel free to watch this video:

(If you cannot see the video above, click HERE for it)

Address: 725 J.P. Rizal St. Lamuan - Malanday, Marikina City
Operating hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 11:00AM to 9:00PM
Contact no.: 0917-852-8619
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/busan.galbi.marikina/
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/busangalbisamgyupsal/
Busan Galbi logo
The cheapest Samgyupsal delivery in the Metro

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Busan Galbi - Marikina | Cheapest Samgyupsal delivery in the Metro Busan Galbi - Marikina | Cheapest Samgyupsal delivery in the Metro Reviewed by Michael on December 14, 2020 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Your table looks mouth-watering and inviting. You are certainly not alone in preferring your dishes served in wooden utensils. They enhance the taste. Appears you really had a good time at the Korean barbecue place.

    1. Man, thanks for making me feel I was not alone with the wooden things! Wahaha! Glad to hear that.

  2. looks great! it is awesome it is so budget friendly! It looks like you a hard time there and personally Korean bbq is probably the best

  3. Whoa, you had me at affordable unlimited Korean BBQ!! I just recently had some amazing Korean BBQ here in New Orleans, Louisiana in the USA and it rocked my socks off. But I have to say that the pictures of all that meat and the quality of cuts Busan Galbi Marikina offers looks amazing!

  4. It looks like they have a wide variety of GREAT food choices there! My husband would go crazy for that selection of meats. It's good to see that they are taking all the precautions to ensure that they are keeping their customers and employees safe.

    1. Yes, slow and steady to go back to normalcy I guess.

  5. It looks so delicious, mouth watering and inviting. But it doesn't deliver in India but it certainly looks super yummy...

  6. I've heard so many people RAVE about Korean BBQ in general, in must be amazing! The food you've shown here does look incredible. I've really got to look out for a Korean BBQ place close to me.

  7. This all looks amazing for an unbeatable price. Thanks for sharing.
    -Sondra Barker

  8. This blog post has got me all hungry and craving for food! The walkthrough video is really nice to let me know about the ambience of the restaurant and the cuisines.

  9. The meat looks so juicy. I bet it's a great experience to dine here.

  10. So sad, I'm far from Marikina. I could have done in here.

  11. That looks so good and being budget friendly is always a plus! Looks like lots of food for the money!

  12. This looks like a good restaurant for people who enjoy eating meat.

  13. Oh yum you are making me HUNGRY, this all looks so good!

  14. I've never heard of this but sounds delightful! I need to try this out some day.

  15. Everything looks amazing. I am a huge fan of Korean BBQ and wish I could find it more in the US.

    1. Maybe in time, well at least you have the idea when you travel

  16. You make it look so easy! Super-duper cook you are!

    1. Haha! well, my cousin actually did all the cooking here. I was just videoing the whole time.

  17. This food looks so good! I bet it's delicious!

  18. Quite a nice review! It's nice to know that great quality can also be affordable for all,

    1. Same thoughts. Quite rare nowadays to find quality with affordability at the same time.

  19. This sounds like a really interesting place to get a meal from, the food included looks delicious.

  20. The pictures you have posted look amazing . I always love trying new foods but I have never had Korean bbq

  21. Just seeing this made me crave for Samgyupsal! and wow a free tub of meat on your birthday!! I wonder how much would the delivery cost if they’re delivering in the South. I just hope they open another branch here too!

    1. Who knows! Hehe that would be great to hear if they branched out this early.

  22. Just seeing this made me crave for Samgyupsal! and wow a free tub of meat on your birthday!! I wonder how much would the delivery cost if they’re delivering in the South. I just hope they open another branch here too!

  23. It's been forever since I've had Korean BBQ! You got me wanting it now!

  24. I've actually never tried Korean BBQ before but this is making me want to! Everything looks so delicious.

  25. Sounds like a really great Samgyumpsal place to eat.

  26. If I visit the Philippines soon, I will definitely be hanging around in Busan Galbi - Marikina! Sounds really a good place to eat!

  27. Oh wow not that sounds lovely. I do love BBQ and Korean BBQ sounds so much more exotic and flavourful especially with the dipping sauces.

  28. We don't have a Korean BBQ around here, but I hope to try it one day. Everything looks delicious!

  29. That food looks amazing. I wish I were in the area. I'd love to give them a try.

  30. I've hear a lot of good place to eat in the Philippines and this Busan Galbi - Marikina is one of them. I will surely add this on my bucket list.

  31. This food looks so delicious! I wish there was something like this near me.

  32. This is so cool! It's nice to know that the business adjust according to the situation. Oh how I miss samgyeopsal too! I wish there is something like that here.

    1. Yes, I admire businesses who can adapt well. But I guess Samgyup is life for many people here haha!

  33. wow that all looks so good. i love great food. this makes me so hungry right now.

  34. I love Korean BBQ! Your post makes me really hungry. I can't wait to visit Korean restaurants and enjoy their Kalbi.


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