Our fathers are brothers and our mothers are sisters

Have you ever known of anyone that is in the same situation as we do? I am trying to look for some answers on the internet and I hope I found the perfect answer to this question. Obviously, this case of family relationship is unusual, so finding more about it is so interesting to me. I even came to a point of doing the math to calculate the DNA transfer percentage to fully explain the situation (excluding the deeper genetics regarding the chromosomes part and the other mutation probabilities haha!). Well, are you curious too about what do we call this? Let's know some history first and breakdown some factors..

Dimaano - Oyco boys
Dimaano - Oyco boys
The Story

We have known each other as cousins since birth and haven't yet checked any other details regarding it since it is not normal to so lol. Just recently while talking about random stuff with each other, a point was raised that given both our parents were siblings a question popped out that "Hey, what do specific relationships do we have then?" So after that, a lot of follow-up questions were formed and related situations brought up.

The Similarities

Both our side and theirs have 3 male siblings and had one miscarriage incident that was most likely males as well. Our ages are close enough to each other that each sibling has his match to the other. There were some instances also that we were mistakenly identified as the brother of our "cousins".

The Probabilities

Literally speaking, we have a relationship of less than brothers, but more than cousins. But what do we call that? Or what category does it belong to the closest if it has no specific relationship name? Let us bring in the probabilities:

1. Identical twins share the same DNA at 100%
2. Parents/Siblings share the same DNA at about 50%
3. Grandparents/Child, uncle/aunt, nephew/niece, and half-siblings share the same DNA at about 25%
4. 1st cousins share the same DNA at about 12.5%
[And so on..]

Where do we fit

Doing that math in advance, of course, we cannot surpass the 50% border and I am pretty sure we cannot go lower than the 12.5% minimum too. So does that mean we fall in the 25% automatically?

Then I stumbled on a term that they call "double first cousins" which they say our relationship falls into. To make it simpler for you, since half-siblings fall into the 25% bracket, double first cousins have higher chances of getting more similar DNA (chances of mutation) since the sources are more familiar. And since we can just approximate everything unless full examinations happen, yes, we fall to the same bracket.. The 25% DNA share.

If you cannot see the video above, click HERE for it

So as a little challenge to spice things up a bit after knowing more of ourselves, can you tell whose brother is whose in the photo?

Dimaano - Oyco selfie photo
Whose brother is whose challenge

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Our fathers are brothers and our mothers are sisters Our fathers are brothers and our mothers are sisters Reviewed by Michael on April 02, 2019 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. What a fascinating situation - double first cousins seems a bit of a let-down as a description. What about mixing up the words siblings and cousins. Couslings sounds cool! Can't tell which of you are brothers and which are cousins in the photo.

    1. What a super cool idea! Couslings sounds great lol

  2. This is such an interesting story! It's always cool to find other family members. I cannot tell the brothers in the photo. Everyone does look similar!

  3. That is so crazy in a good way! What a unique story and thanks for sharing :)

    1. kind of shocked too the first time we stumbled upon the idea.

  4. Reading the title felt like I was reading a riddle, haha! I've never heard of double first cousins, but that's very nice to know!

  5. This was such an intriguing post to read. Everyone looks super similar so it’s hard to tell who is who. I heard of double first cousin prior, but this is the first time I’m seeing a real life family that this applies to. Great post!

  6. What a unique and interesting situation all of you are in (I had to read some of it twice lol). I have to admit I'd never heard of the term "double first cousins" before reading this.

    1. Yep. So unusual. We actually have known this just recently too lol

  7. Never heard of double first cousins. How interesting lol. Yeah. I can't tell who is a brother or cousin as I've seen cousins who look more alike than siblings.

  8. The two whose wearing same black shirt. They are much alike in their features and color.

  9. There was a lot of information I didn't know here! Crazy what you find out when you go digging into family history!

    1. Really. I was like.. These are some info we are taking for granted.

  10. That’s quite an interesting post to read about double first cousins. Haven't hear it before.

  11. You have a really interesting situation going on. Though I've known people whose parents were siblings, their later life wasn't so similar. I can't tell from the pictures who's whose brother & am not sure whether the t-shirt colors have been chosen to trick or not :)
    - Nandita

    1. No tricks lol. Those were our shirts that day.

  12. Fascinating post! I never read about this specific situation before. You do all look very alike!

  13. Yyyyyooooooo....I don't know if it is just me but I had an issue differentiating one son and one dad from another....you guys look so similar! About the relationship, I can surely call you brothers.

  14. I can't tell whose brother is whose but just cause they all look really similar. Great story I need to find out how many cousins I have because I actually have no idea.

  15. what an interesting situation. i don't have a lot of family, but who knows what kind of situations i don't even know about.

    1. Haha but don't create a random situation though lol

  16. What really matters is LOVE. You love each other. You have fun together. You share so many things and you seam to be pretty thankful for the relationships you have, no matter how you call it. Lucky boys to have each other!

  17. I normally refer people from my family as simply 'family' because proper titles are hard to memorize and often it's even harder for people around me (obviously nobody uses proper names). it was a very educational post to me! thanks!

  18. You have each other. You love each other. You have fun together. Plus you're young healthy handsome boys. What really matter is LOVE. And you seam to have that in your relationship with your cousins. You have an amazing relationship with then. Nobody cares about how people call it. You re all blessed!

  19. Very interesting! It's so neat to see how we are all linked. I'm a sucker for genealogy.

  20. This seems like a unique situation and the first time i have come across something like this . It was too difficult to identify or tell whose son is whom .

  21. You totally confused me 😂 for a really long time I couldn't process what I just read. Your explanation makes sense.

  22. I never heard about first double cousins ! haha. but this was an interesting post to read :)

  23. Huh very interesting. Hard to tell who is who! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Oh Wow!! I have a friend that is in same situation, but she never knew what to call her cousins. Now she has a name for it!

  25. Family trees always confuse me, ha! I am happy that I have a "simple" immediate family that I only have to focus on. My dad however has 11 brothers and sisters, thus I have a lot of extended family - and um, I don't know any of them, LOL!

  26. Wow, they all look so much alike :) Such a cool story too!

  27. That is such a unique situation! I just found out that my business partner is actually having the same situation as yours LOL. I'm guessing that the two boys in black t-shirts are brothers, and they're cousins of the other two guys.. Am I right? :D ~ Ola @ WanderWithOla

  28. This very interesting and confusing haha double cousin you say. What a great theory.

  29. Very informative and ineresting topic. I've looked the photo over carefully and I believe the 3 on the left are brothers and possibly they all are (?) am I right or wrong?

  30. This is really interesting, my Dad has double first cousins as his Mum's sister married his Dad's brother! I'd never really thought about the DNA connection although I did realise it would be higher than just first cousins!

  31. While not common, this has actually happened on both sides of my family. It is quite interesting! :)

  32. how interesting is this! but then you also get the extreme opposite like mine when people are surprised to find out that we are all related as we all look so so different!

  33. Very interesting story and crazy but in a good way. Family is fun I guess.

    1. Same words actually got out from me too - I just did not wrote it down.

  34. Great post..made me think, but no matter what you are 1st cousins.

    1. This is the one we thought of the longest time.

  35. Seems quite confusing to me with all the terms. Double cousins is a new one to me.

  36. That is a very interesting story. I have often wondered about stories like this ... so interesting to hear how the DNA works in cases like this. I am going to guess the two in black shirts are brothers?? Hmmm, am I right? Thanks for sharing your story!

  37. Amazing information about the percentage of DNA we share with family members. I didn't know any of that.

  38. Very interesting. I never heard of double cousins.

  39. I have never heard of double first cousins before. Interesting.

  40. I don't think I've ever heard of this kind of unusual familial relationship! How fascinating for you all! TO answer your question, it would appear the two in black shirts are brothers - but I'm guessing maybe not?

  41. That was smelly confusing. My first time to hear double first cousin. You mean both of your parents are siblings of your cousins both parents?

  42. I know sisters who married brothers and I always wondered what their kiddos would be to each other. Such an interesting family dynamic!

  43. Very interesting pot. I am already picturing a movie from your story.

  44. That's a difficult question. I met someone with a situation like yours. However, they have different genders so it's easier to guess. I think those wearing black shirts are siblings. Right?

  45. This quite a fun story to read. You guys seem close.

  46. That is so cool that you looked this up and you all investigated further as a family. You definitely do look alike and can be taken as brothers!

  47. Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this.

    Very interesting info.

  48. We have a large Indian family and we have lots of cousins and some of them are related to us in more than one way too! Love the double cousin concept!

  49. I'd never heard of double cousins before. I've got to learn my family history more intimately to see if we have any.

    1. Let me know if you found any interesting stuffs too then

  50. This is a very interesting story! I got confused at first but your post is well written that I understand everything by the end

  51. This thing never crossed my mind. So, detailed questions in finding answers.

  52. Very interesting look at double cousins. My guess is the two in toward the back of the photo that wearing black are brothers.

  53. Reading the title of the article hurts my little brain. I am not just good at relationships thing...

  54. You all look very similar in the last photo, you could all be brothers. I usually don't worry about family relations because my family is very small and I only have one sister, and no other siblings.

  55. This is so interesting. I am so curious now and it is too interesting to look at double first cousins. I am guessing that first two from the left are brothers. Tell me if I guessed right.

  56. Cool! Never heard of double first cousins before! You should do one of those DNA tests and see how you guys match up. My dad bought the kits for me and my brothers, but I can't remember what the percentage of shared dna was.

    1. LOL. I don't know if we will really be going up to that point though.

  57. Wow that's a really odd situation! My great grandparents did this as well.

  58. Upon initially reading the title I thought "cousins, duh." but as I read on I was very impressed with thought you put in.

  59. Well, this all seem very interesting. I'd like to know more especially since you guys are looking so damn hot!

  60. I love genetics. What an interesting thing to think about. I think the three men in darker colored shirts are brothers -- cousin to the one in the orange shirt.

  61. This makes me miss my family back home. We are so close to each other and we tend to share pretty much everything. Having your own family is quite an adjustment. We are bug family on my father side and I have lots of cousins that I haven't met yet.

  62. At first, I thought that I am solving a riddle but then it turned out to be a unique and interesting story. Loved it! :)

  63. You are all great looking. And all of you looks like a brothers. You have a great family history and I really ca't who among you guys are cousins.

  64. I am not surprised that there were instances you were mistakenly identified as the brother of your "cousins". You all look alike.

    1. Well, we are used to our faces so we still are surprised when it happens lol

  65. I'd never heard of double first cousins before! That is really cool, and awesome that you guys have that special bond.

  66. I'd never heard of double first cousins! You guys are lucky you have that special bond. Really fun story to read!

  67. DNA is such a crazy thing and our genetics work their way out in so many different ways. How much we look alike, how tall we are, etc. And it makes families look so unique.

  68. Wow that’s complicated. I thought our family was hard enough. I have four brothers, the first three of us are from the same parents, the next two two are twins are from my fathers second marriage, seventeen years younger then me.

  69. That's a really interesting story! So complicated (who's family not haha), but interesting :)

  70. This is such a n interesting challenge..I guess the 2 boys wearing black and orange are brothers.

  71. It's very interesting to know how much DNA we share with our relatives.

  72. This is fascinating! Havrn't heard such thing, this is a first!

  73. This is actually awesome! We are all genetically brothers and sisters and yet we don't agree like one.

  74. I would venture to say that the far left and right are brothers whereas the two on the inside are also each other's brother.

    1. Which photo is this? The first or the second? lol

  75. I think that labels don't always define every relationship properly and that's okay. We are humans and nothing is just black and white.

    1. Nothing serious in here though.. merely knowing some specific facts but all good hehe thank you for sharing your thoughts though!

  76. What an interesting analysis I guess at the end most people would assume that you are first cousins.


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