Online printing and imaging services | Manila, Philippines

Guys, did you know that you can now also print your pictures online in Lazada through Tronix Imaging? They even have some of their imaging services there too, like the caricature and an ID photoswitch. If you know the Tronix Imaging Centers on malls near you, they are basically handled by the same company. They are the ones who also do the annual Tronix Image Model contest. At least they can already be trusted since we know they have enough experience in the industry. In other words, you know the service is "legit" lol. And since it is under Lazada, the prints and/or (if I saw it right) some framed products can now be delivered right at your desired place.

2nd borns photo shoot
2nd borns photo shoot

For now, I tried ordering for a relative his ID photo and lets us evaluate how the service and the product goes. I'll try to make this blog post convenient as possible by providing their step by step procedure carefully. I also produced a video at the bottom of the post for the actual ordering experience. In there, you'll see the live feed on how I ordered this ID package with the photoswitch service until the final product was delivered to our house. Let's just hope to receive it like ordering directly through one of their Tronix Imaging outlets. So, let's start?
First, of course, is going to the Lazada website and either typing or searching for "tronix imaging"

Tronix imaging at Lazada
photo 1

Then select the type of product or service you want (for this post, I will be selecting the 3rd ID picture package from the left or the one with the red box)

Select product or service - Tronix Imaging
2nd photo

You'll actually see the step by step guide there on the next page - both in text form and some infographics. Below is the text version. You should see the infographic version too, as it tackles some important factors as well like the quality of the photos they accept and the correct angle you should take before submitting your pictures for the service.

Instructions in text A - Order prints online
photo 3A

Instructions in text B - Order prints online
photo 3B

So as per this guide, it is important to understand first the whole concept or the whole procedure before going through with it. Because if you read it carefully, you have to order everything first before coordinating the other details with them. So I highly recommend scanning and reading everything first, especially the inclusions of the packages they have available in order to avoid mistakes such as cancellation of orders.

For now, I will be ordering the "troniximaging ID Picture Set 3" (based on the photo 2 above). So I will be expecting to receive 6 pcs. of 1.5 by 1.5 and 4 pcs. of 1 by 1 printout of my photo to be delivered at my address. And hey, they'll even give me the soft copy. Cool!

ID package details
Details of the ID package selected

Select your attire or template if possible, then place your order (covered my personal details behind those blue boxes)

Placement of order
Placement of order

Select your payment method and confirm your order (I am selecting COD or cash on delivery as my payment method)

Confirm order - order printouts online
Selection of payment method

You should see a screen after that saying the successful placement of your order with your order number. Given those details that can serve as your references already, we now go chat with them through Lazada's messenger feature found at the bottom right of your page. 

As per following their given procedure above on photo 3, we should communicate with them all the other necessary details needed for them to complete our order such as the photo, background color, and checking the final output for proofing. See the actual screenshots of our chat below: [Use the "+" button to upload your photo(s)]

Chat 1 - Ordering of online printouts
Chat 1 - providing of the photo (Yep, the photo of my relative which I mentioned earlier)

Chat 2 - Ordering of online printouts
Chat 2 - background color and other details confirmation

Chat 3 - Ordering of online printouts
Chat 3 - approval of the final output (after a few minutes only)

And that is it! I now just have to wait for the printouts to be delivered right on my doorsteps. So only after a single working day (excluding the date of order), my printouts came. I was pretty impressed with how the package was secured. I have not even thought of the little things that might happen to it while it is in transit like being folded or crumpled so this one looks perfect.

Photos delivered
Photos delivered

And they were just as great as I did it through their physical store.

ID Package unwrapped
Package unwrapped

The only difference is that for this one, all the ordering processes were done online. This service is actually perfect, especially for the organized persons who really plan ahead of time. Since a picture is one of the basic requirements on a lot of official documents and government forms, you can now start preparing in advance by doing those simple clicks on the web.

I even got the digital file or soft copy of it so I can send this to my relative for future use. Maybe his next profile picture on Facebook? Lol!

Here is the full actual video of the step by step process
If you cannot see the video above, click HERE for it

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Online printing and imaging services | Manila, Philippines Online printing and imaging services | Manila, Philippines Reviewed by Michael on March 19, 2019 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Interesting. Everyone is finding new ways of business. So, this is one of the good idea and will be really helpful for many people.

  2. Nice! I always love when I can print out photos. I've been trying to do this more often so I can stick them in albums.

  3. Wow that's awesome, thanks for sharing with all of us! Much appreciated.

  4. how convenient that it can be delivered! I love services that can be done online as this saves me the hustle and bustle of traffic and im able to do more things!

  5. What a cool service. I had no idea something like this even existed but I'm not surprised that it does! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I have been looking for online image services options for a while now, so I really enjoyed your post. I will definitely check it out.

  7. Thanks for sharing this! It’s so much easier printing phots out at home rather than sending off for them or going to a store. This is so convenient and easy!

  8. This is so neat! Thanks for writing such a detailed step-by-step description of how to use Tronix Imaging Service.

  9. Love that they deliver. My mom has no internet so I always send here photos of the kids from a photo place.

  10. I love this kind of services as sometimes we are too busy to take photos at the proper studio. That's great that they also deliver them home later on, very convenient! :)

  11. This is an awesome service! I will take advantage of this and order for digital copies of my ID photos. Better to have some on hand when I need it.

    1. I think they have lol. I am not the one providing the service lol

  12. It was interesting to read about the service like this in your country. We have plenty of those here in the USA though. :)

    1. Yep. I know. At the least I guess is that we are catching up.

  13. This is dope, never heard of this before. It's so nice that they deliver the printouts as well. Thank you for sharing!

  14. I will show this to my son. He is getting ready to do serious job hunting and he'd need a gazillion copies of ID photos. Thanks for letting me know.

  15. This is really cool! Thanks for the steps.

  16. This looks like a really quality and convenient service. Great tip to ensure you read through everything first to avoid any mistakes while ordering. Nice to see a good product at the end of it, showing great value and saving of time. Cheers, Nicole Anderson.

  17. Wow beautiful and stress free. Thanks for sharing.

  18. good information for those living in the phillipines. handy to get all your printing needs delivered.

  19. loves watching your video :) The photos and photography show such great quality

  20. this is such a great service for you!

  21. This looks so convenient and very neat. A service like this is so helpful. 😊

  22. I love shopping at Lazada. I didn't know they offer online printing and imaging service. Must check it out soon.

  23. Online printing is a good idea, for a organized person like me.
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. This is great for people based out of Manila.I would love to have this service around me. Online printing services and home delivery is great ease.

  25. Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this. Very interesting information.

  26. This is such a game changer that will help many people. It is so convenient to try a service like this. I'd give it a go.

  27. Another great strategy for our modern world and technology. Such a wonderful service we can abuse for a better living.

  28. wow this is fantastic! Great service!

  29. Oh that's so cool! Wonder if a similar service is available in Sweden...

  30. Hehe....this is very interesting and genius of the person that invented it. Saves so much time, come to think of it.

  31. I love printing out my photos online :)

  32. Wonderful post.Ne'er knew this, thanks for letting me know.

  33. Oh my god..! That was so cool.. Tronix has a very great idea! Going to photo shops to have pictures like this was really something I lazily do..

  34. What an amazing service for those in a hurry or need something done!

  35. I love any service that I can do online and I wish we had something similar where I live. To get any printing done is such a time consuming procedure and you still have to visit the actual print shop!

  36. This looks like such a great online printing service. I know we have a few here, but this looks great and pretty easy to get what you want, the way you want it.

    1. Kind of hehe. It actually gets to be easier when you are used to in the process.

  37. We are in the age of having only digitial copies of photos (on social media or saved in a camera roll), that I don't think about having printed photos anymore! But if someone were to ask me where to find a reliable printer, I would have no idea what to say to them! This looks like a really cool service.

  38. This is really exciting news! I am happy for the people there.

  39. WHOAH! That is so awesome and so convenient! Thanks for sharing this info. It will save many a lot of time!

  40. Very nice. I am happy to find that you are offering this service. I will have need for your service soon.

  41. This seems very convenient! And if the quality is good, it seems totally worth it.

  42. i have used services like this as well, and definitely useful..

  43. This is such a convenient service. I think a lot of people don't print out their pictures as often as they would like because they have to wait for them to be ready at the store and then go pick them up. Having the delivered to your home is so much easier.

  44. This is really cool. I love to have printed photos. Seems like a foreign concept in the digital age, but it's still cool

  45. Helpful if you happen to live in the Philippines. Best of luck with the new venture.

  46. This soudns like a very helpful service. Such a great way to help others to make their needs in just a click away.

  47. What a very useful service for those need printing and imaging. It was very convenient.

  48. Sounds like a very helpful printing service. I ever heard of Lazada bt I thinks it's like an ebay or amazon.

  49. Wow that looks like a great “legit” service you found!

  50. Thanks for telling about them. I am just checking out their website. They are providing such a great printing service. Their quality looks good too.

  51. Before the smartphones and social media, we like going to Tronix in SM Manila to have a picture taken and print after an hour. This sounds really cool and convenient.

  52. It's really good to learn something we never hear before thank you for sharing

  53. Happy to know that their services are now available online! I will check this out.

  54. I adore online services like that! At the end of the year I usually print calendars for the next years - with my best photos ))

  55. It's my first time to hear about this huh! Pwede na pala ang ganito.. mas convenient!

  56. So much easier than having to find a physical store that does this.

  57. First time to see this kind of business. I go to photo store (Tronix) to have my photos done. This is so convenient especially if you have a not so old photo and you want it to recopied in another size.

  58. This just shows you that you cam make a business with any idea! Very cool wish him much luck!

  59. Being able to have this option is handy! I love having it be so simple!

  60. This sounds like such a wonderful business. It is great to be able to have personalised products shipped directly to your door.

  61. I have not seen this (sorry I live under a rock). So glad I found this, I'm informed. It is so much easier than looking for stores/studios everywhere.

  62. I love that it offers COD as well. I think that's the best way to go.

  63. Great initiative. I like such business ideas. In my city there is no such service. Indirectly you are giving business ideas. Thanks for sharing

  64. I love businesses that can do this. We have a few companies that do this here - or some places, you can upload picture files from home and pick them up in less than an hour if you need them immediately! :D

  65. Wos that’s a great idea.. I wish we had something like this in India... It took almost a day for me to get the photos printed 😏

  66. Wow! They turned out great! I've been looking for a printer for ages, thank you so much for sharing!

  67. I remember trying a similar service when I lived in the UK. It saved me so much time and hassle.

    1. Oh how very convenient! It’s not possible here in Baguio yet, but I’m sure given enough time it will be possible here as well. :)

  68. Hi Michael!

    this is great option especially for travellers. would you know if this is available in other countries? or do i just need access to a printer to get my prints?

    1. For now it is only based in Manila. I will let you know once they go abroad.

  69. It's so cool how you go through the entire process here! So cool that new technologies are improving.

  70. great idea, looks like its really hitting off :) love how technology can help us achieve awesome businesses :)

  71. I love how the Phillipines are making use of technology in this way. Great job sharing how the technology is advancing out there.

  72. It's amazing how far technology has advanced for picture taking and developing! I'm old (61) and remember the days of cameras requiring film. :) The fact we can take pictures with our cell phones and download the digital form and then print them ... just amazing!

    1. I still remember that time too that when you expose the film then all the pictures will be gone lol


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